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You decide that the best thing to do with your best bud is to show them how to make dolls! Your dolls are a key part of your hex mania/magic, and if Impidimp helps itll go easier, and they can see what you do!
Also you heard that Imp hair is pretty powerful thread but thats not here nor there.
You go pull out your straw and string and some old fabric and hand some of it to Gremlin. Gremlin looks at you with slight confusion, which is a step up already from blank stares.
You show Gremlin how to do some basic stiches and they follow your lead, and poke their finger.
Gremlin yelps as you go to bandage them up, and a bandaid later, you try again, and theres a tangle.
Gremlin tosses the material onto the desk, frustrated, as you smile. "Its okay Gremlin, we can try agai-"
Gremlin throws the half made doll at your face. "Im!" The pokemon slams their fists to the desk. "Im im im!" You can tell the rest of the class is staring at you as your pokemon, who has no emotions, is still throwing a tantrum.
You've heard of this! This is Reverse Mode! You opened just enough of your pokemons heart that its experiencing emotions, but not sure how to deal with them, thus causing a temporary berserker spiral.
This is... great news! A breakthrough, your getting closer to-ow ow ow! He's pulling on your hair!
Gremlin being beserk MAY be a sign that your doing well long term, but short term you to calm Gremlin down!
But how!
>Call Gremlin, appeal to his better nature and all those times you beat up pokemon together
>Try to subdue Gremlin with Mimikyu, you can work on this later.
>Ask for help
>Ghost magic! Your good at that
>Write in