a moment after you set foot on solid ground the bay door opens and 3 figures walk in.
Two sith assassins and between them another dark padawan, like the one you encountered on the ship wreck.
"Greetings Jedi. My master has been expecting you.", he activates his lightsaber revealing a brilliant yellow blade.
"That's Tane's saber!" you exclaim.
"Your Jedi friend is a guest of ours. As are you. Throw down your weapons. Lest I destroy you."
These Sith are exerting a strange pressure in the force, or rather a strange 'vacuum'. Much like how a Jedi can use the force to inspire and embolden others they seem to be doing the exact opposite; trying to sap your courage and strength of will. Extremely unusual, but your mental defences are strong enough to resist this.
They look ready to leap into battle in a instant.
>[Persuade/Lie] "I've come to join you.">"What is this strange power I feel?">"Where is your master, apprentice?">"Where's Jado?">"No way fag.">"You're no match for me, Sith." *Activate lightsaber*