>>6122475The Nixen aren't quite sure what to think of the blood moon. It is an often ill omen, yet, the curse has waned, reports from the north are promising, and our nation is strong. Perhaps it is a sign that we should push. That we are now in a position to shed the blood of our enemies. Queen Leutgard Siglinda prays for good fortune, and that her daughter returns home safe and with victory.
>Action 1: Establish Lumber Mill east of Sturnes.As the demand for wood increases yet further, with the use of it in the silver burning rituals of Janos, a lumberyard emerges east of Sturnes, where woodsnixen cut wood for a variety of uses. Large warehouses are built to store the various cuts of wood so they can dry. But the biggest feature, is a series of watermills, powered by the nearby river. These can cut logs into planks at a pace only matched by whole teams of Nixen.
>Action 2: The Chaerda Arrowsong Bow. Through techniques thought lost, mystically superior bows are made, whose arrows flit through air like song.In the time before the Tellden arrived, were the Chaerda, a tribe of mystic and fair men, thought extinct by the time of Ordalan, but recently it is revealed that their ways of the Arrowsong have been passed on, and better yet, it's spreading. The hunters and bowyers of Ordalan are taught a technique for shaping living wood and granting it particular properties prior to cutting. By wrapping branches in specially oiled cloth and singing verses of the Arrowsong, the branch will change form before your very eyes, a verse is enough for a branch strong enough for an arrow, while a whole song will produce the branch necessary for a bow. The ritual continues through the shaping of each bow and arrow as well as their fletching and stringing. The bow produced can shoot arrows further and with more power than should be possible, and as the arrow flits through the air, a voice is heard. It is said the Chaerda of old could communicate through just this Arrowsong, and that they had long pointed ears for it, indeed the claim is they weren't human, but elven, and that they originated in the Sunless Age, an event they say happened in the past, but which Orda Nixglau say will happen in the future, when the world is put on the brink of destruction.