>>5964251You are already mad
You are beyond introduction, Joe Jonas. The world knows who you are, you know who you are. You know of God and his madness, the Jehovah witnesses knocked your door and told you; they knew what was going to happen all along!
Having heard of the new tower of Babel you decide to go there, eventually, someday, you are a very busy boy and all, a 34 year old boy, but you are working on some projects you know, some cool stuff you know your fans would love, yeah. The telepaths heard the idea.
The next morning you wake up in your humble mansion, and it has been squeezed through some fancy district of The Irish desert of Mohave. It seems that the tour of heaven, the heaven tour.. The heavenly tour of the new Jonas brothers, yes, it seems that its closer than ever, you wonder if Disney had anything to do with this. But before you go on with your mission... first you have to find the other wankers from your group, the other ones, yes.
Trying to adapt to the new market of this cursed desert, Disney has taken the freedom to aquire for you the proper attire of a Malasyan beauty; a poncho and hat which will protect your skin from the rays of the evil sun. You are highly marketeable again, you are the Jonas Brother. And your venture begins in a good neighbourhood that appears to have been built with the ass. You wonder if what you smell is an orgy coming from your neighbours house. You also seem to have been set a parrot, but you dont know how to turn it on yet.
(Since this is the first action here are some examples of actions you can do:
1. Find batteries for the parrot.
2. Investigate the orgy.
3. Go find your Jonas brothers
4. Start playing jonas brother music to resurrect your fanbase
5. Prefferibly get out of your home before the orgy comes to you