>>6160934“No! Emmy is going to be around as long as I am; my niece’s name is going to be Alice! Her and I are fine, always going to be together! I would never… I love Emmy! This-this is what I get for wanting to get ahead in a class I suck at…”, and you wanted to go for your wand. Fucking Veela blood… making you also want to toss yourself in front of your littler twin.
“Like I said, you do clearly love her. Perhaps why you two are okay. I simply know what I have been told by my teacher, by her teacher; the one time she saw a pair that seemed so… intertwined they were not long for this world. Then, when one had died? The other followed soon after. But? They were not natural. But you two say you are, so I wouldn’t worry about any terrible Dark rituals being used to twist your beings into one another. Maybe it works out alright given you both seem fine.”, and takes a sip of her drink which you are positive was not surgery water. “Take it as you will; now, you have a hidden talent for some Divination it seems, Miss Jennifer. But that is only what I can guess and that you… oh well. Not mine to say.”
“You can’t just tell us that and leave it!”
“You can’t just tell us that and leave it!”
“I suppose, <span class="mu-i">I can</span>, because I will. Not a healer; just know what I have been told and what I have seen; only explanation I have for you two being so linked your Divinations were the same and the only other example I know of. But for the other one, the thing I wished to speak of? The arrangement of twigs? Girls? Do they do palm reading over there still?”
“Yes, they do. Yes... Our old professor was really fond of crystal balls for some reason and tea leaves… not like she could make a decent cup; always boiled the water too long. Got bitter. But she covered those things.”, you sighed out; more mystery and possible danger… damn-it.
“Then it shall just be coffee readings for you two, heh. Your palms if I may? Both right-handed?”
“I… I really don’t like that you left that hanging on us. But come on, Emmy. Might as well; if she wanted to kill us or something, would have done it already.”
“If you say so, Jenn. Ah, here. I got some juices on it… a second.”, and she wiped off her hand a bit with a handkerchief.
Did they even have those in America?
Why is that what you are focusing on?
Nevertheless, you and your sister, tried to scoot closer to one another, and stuck your hands over the desk. It was probably dumb; should have been fighting back while Emmy got to the door, since you felt a deep fear… but you didn’t feel a drop of animosity from Professor Cross.
Neither of you were trained in true Occlumency, but there was nothing like the big, sick mind-reading cat from before; nothing trying to knock at your noggin. Your Professor’s wand was just tossed over on a chair a half dozen feet away after she sat your food down... it was okay.
Safe, even if the things she said were worrying.