>>5362580You take your rest, but not immediately. You know you are notorious in some circles, acclaimed in others, notable in all. You must ‘strike while the iron is hot’, to borrow one of the Herbalist’s dwarven aphorisms. Now is the time to recruit! If the Chaplain is hesitant to order and army to accompany you, you can at LEAST shore up your numbers with a charismatic recruitment campaign on the back of your recent successes and the full purse with which you recently returned. What Reptilian worth his life does not hunger on some level of wealth, power, and glory?
>Frontliners: 32 vs. 20/40/60/80 = One middling recruit>Foragers: 80 vs. 20/40/60/80 = One wunderkind and a company of experts>Degenerates: 31 vs. 30/50/70/90 = One middling recruit>Guerillas: 35 vs. 30/50/70/90 = One middling recruitOccultists: 45 vs. 30/50/70/90 = One middling recruit
You travel the northern forward base and adjacent tunnels all through the night, bellowing your boasts and intimating your escapades to any member of your Master Race who will hear the tale. It is, sadly, not the most crowded hub of civilization at the best of times, and many simply listen politely (or impolitely) before making their excuses to leave. These range from the plausible and understandable (A pre-existing mission-in-progress) to the less-so (pressing clan-matters left unspecified, inconvenient heat-cycles) to the frank and brutal (“It sounds like a fool’s errand, likely to doom us all, and I’m surprised the Chaplain allows this.”)
You accumulate a few recruits: a masterless Steeltalon personal guardian who serves to children of high-born clan-leaders, a Dragonblooded female intrigued to see the land of her legendary female and with some interest in occult history; a pair of Infiltrators (one a half-human Degenerate from the South, like Oluwadamilare but considerably less dark) specializing in petty assassinations of mammals. Your greatest coup, though, is The Hunter.