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The hall buzzed with activity as Tech Priests present were already debating the facts of the case. Many of the items to be reviewed as of today were things that were in deep review already and their findings were released into the greater Mechanicus.
In the future such events might become less theatrical and demanding, but TalOS wanted everyone to know what was happening with the Council. After months of messages and even ships being sent TalOS had gotten the majority of the Mechanicum’s Forge Worlds to grant them this immense power. Some were able to consolidate themselves into a Coalition.
Against that however was the greater number of Forge Worlds who currently hold enough power to get a seat upon the Council. Even the Forge World of Columnus, which in many respects is smaller than other Forge Worlds, was able to get a single man sitting upon it representing just themselves.
In time TalOS was sure they would start being pressured out. A simple fact that there will be places like Lucius out there. When they are found, seats will change. Till then, these were the people who gave this very body validation.
As the clock ticked to the next hour TalOS stopped his meandering and rose from his seat. In an instant the entire hall had its binaric chatter cut as people looked upon him with respect and wonder.
Thus TalOS spoke, +I thank you all for attending this Meeting of the Council of Converging Knowledge. It is my honor to welcome so many Priests from all corners of the Mechanicum to this event. Today we shall start with a look over the future of the Mechanicum. A great many of these blessed technologies as you know have been brought from your own Forge Worlds. Though we must keep a vigil eye of these technologies, for not all are to the benefit of our whole.+
With those words TalOS sat upon his throne, +First we shall start with the technology of the Noosphere. I call upon the floor Magos C4R of Forge World Lucius to present his knowledge to the council.+
>Heavily weigh into subjects to make TalOS’s opinion known.
>Fuck with the debate, subtly make it so TalOS’s personal views fan out but are not directly spoken.
>TalOS is the mediator of the event. His opinion only matters when he votes for Lucius.