>>5302766>I have often thought of Shu in terms of Warframe. She's clearly a Nidus. It fits with the "Shu as King piece in her chess set" theme, too, since "Tenno" comes from a Japanese word meaning "Heavenly King". I like it.the more specific term would be "Heavenly Sovereign.", which if you put it through some parallel translations and meaning, Tenno could equally be analogous as a "God". Which then means, House of Tenno would have the same meaning as "House of Gods", literally meaning "Divine Pantheon."
Oh the irony. Shu, the Defiant, hunter of gods, and yet she has an ability called "House of Tenno."
>>5302764It does beg the question though. What's the upgrade path for this potential ability? If House of Tenno essentially allows us to spawn Dream Daughters from our own host, what's to say that future upgrades would allow us to spawn "Tenno" using the dream daughters hosted by other people?