I straight up once had someone offering discounted art years ago, and I paid them to draw this.
>>5272826Half an hour of driving with a bag over his head, men in ZSH-1-3M helmets.... Armbands of green, blue, and red..... Crimson and blue berets, crimson and white striped shirts..... Many of the men were in their 30s and 40s...... MVD Spetsnaz... Likely members of the "Presidential Guard". Tattoos of flags and borders in Africa, Central Asia made it clear that some of these men had been in "Liberator Brigades".
Tabak was looking at and surrounded by what what peak loyalty and experience looked like. After three tours, wars, ribbons, medals, and therapy...This is where the elite went. Some of these men were elite counter-terrorism too, had been fighting bank-robbers all their lives or rooting out terrorism in Central Asia, Africa, or the Middle East.
Every man had a thousand yard stare and stood perfectly straight, but they liked to be sitting or rotating in shifts often. Some of the staff he saw had cybernetic hands or feet, older, more crude stuff than in the west, he even saw a few eye-patches.
Pretashinko struggled to stand as he shook his hand, leaning on his cane as he did, before he had to take a seat. For an old man, who likely had killed plenty of people, he had a fierce, fiery stare. It was like he was looking for any sign of....something... weakness.... betrayal... and if he saw it... he would break you. After that however, "The Tzar" was crumpled back into his padded sofa-chair. Eyes were closed, head was back, and he was just sinking into it. He looked like he was years from death, when he was just in his 60s.
"I have two questions for you......... How hard are you willing to work and struggle in order to prove yourself, take on more responsibility..... And.... What kind of compromises are you willing to make in order to have a seat at the table, to be one of the people who makes decisions and writes speeches."
He was watching with one eye open, his head adjusted a bit to watch him, but that single eye seemed to be burning a hole through him. It was strained and intense, blinking as needed.
"I must warn you...Not only do you have to sacrifice things in any relationship...Make certain compromises..... But trying to make the world more like you wish it should be.... That costs a kilogram of flesh... And I'm not going to let it be from someone else..... If you think you really know better than others, it will cost you.... At the very least you're going to be staring out a window questioning your decisions..."