Quoted By:
>2 SUCCESS: Support appreciated. While he remains uncertain as to your true nature, the Chapter Master appreciates both your lack of selfishness in seeking Sanctum privileges and your genuine willingness to resolve the theological differences between the pilgrims bubbling to the surface.
>3 SUCCESS: The One True Faith. Cutting through the dividing issue at hand, the pilgrims are now more united in their shared faith than ever before. Petty differences of culture, tradition or minor differences in theology cannot change the fact that you are all here for the same reason, and you will march this Long Walk as brothers and sisters all.
“Of course, your holiness.” You address the Chapter Master with all due deference, but the alarm at being such a point of divison among the faithful eats at you. “I’m honoured to be thought of so highly by my fellow pilgrims, but let me speak to them.”
“You?” The senior Comitas commander turns sharply from his observation of the City at the window to regard you with singular scrutiniy.
“Please, your holiness. Let me declare to them that every man who seeks to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven is equal in the eyes of the Almighty and His Angels.” You watch the man as he returns to his seat, hoping to see that your earnest words are having some effect. You hope so, surely the last thing the Angel would wish is for the faithful to squabble amongst themselves before such a holy occasion. “The chance to seek His light and glory is not some finite resource to deny your fellow man, but a thing of beauty that only grows less scarce in the very act of sharing it.”
“In all honesty, I had expected you to revel in the privilege exclusive access to the Salve Sanctum.” The man leans back in his chair, thoughtly strok“To not only turn down the honour, but also offer to mediate a quarrel not of your design surprises me. Pleasantly so, I might add. Very well, you may address them. But my brothers will be on hand in any case.”
“My gratitude for the opportunity, your holiness.” You bow sharply before exiting the room.
“Please, Sir Andrei.” The Chapter Master’s voice follows you down the hall, two Comitas men flanking you on the way. “Brother Callahan is quite sufficient...”