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The blood trail from the decapitated corpse of a goat had ended several feet down the mountain. Bound with tight rope the Knight hefted the carcass up the slopes of the mountain with the ease of an expert climber.
Indeed it would seem that he was an expert. His feet were at ease finding the crevasse and foot holdings on slopes that were closer to a wall than a floor. Where the Grail Knight needed to rely on his free hand, he was able to do so with the dexterous ease of a veteran of climbing.
Such was just some of the blessings the Grail gave. What a Grail Knight did was above that of normal men for his senses were no longer theirs. Strength multiplied tenfold and soul sharpened to a razor’s edge. Wisdom from a direct connection to their god becoming just a part of himself.
So he climbed.
Like vultures looking for prey Lucian could see the massive beasts, griffons, flying around him. They were drawn by the smell of fresh blood which would have been an easy meal. As Lucian hanged on the edge of a cliffside one of them decided that now was the time to come down upon him.
Its claws reaching out, it gave a mighty caw as it went not for the flesh of goat that was on the back of Lucian but the man himself. Yet as the winged beast came towards him with the delight of hunger digging into its eyes the creature found itself knocked over by a sudden impact.
Then, as sudden as the impact came, it felt a massive weight bearing on its back. Quickly the griffon flew upwards to get away from the Grail Knight but then the ropes which were used to hold a lamb were now wrapping themselves around one of its two wings.
Losing one of these wings, and with the weight of several men upon its back, the Griffon began to fall from the skies above. The creature itself did not suffer an impact upon the mountains however, instead it was its headless corpse which collided with the mossy rock as the strike of a scythe disintegrated its neck.
The Grail Knight stood above its body triumphant. The rest of its kind already fleeing as they realized their prey was not so easily taken down.
Where they fled though, another came. Its wings clotting out the sky as the sun lowered itself over the horizon.
>Moon Dragon
>Frost Dragon
>Nightmare Dragon