>>5851137Your horse awaited you with an impatient look. It wanted to get on with it already. You rode to the head of the column where the senior members of the army awaited you.
<span class="mu-i">’’As long as we are crusading we have the right of free passage throughout the Curian world. That means no-one is allowed to block our path, or to collect a toll on us by Pontifical dispensation. Any who breach it would come under threat of excommunication.’’</span> The chaplain and almoner of the army explained to you.
<span class="mu-i">’’Most excellent, let us get moving then. Gert, give signal to the army moving.’’</span> And with a short blow on the horn like a slug the army slowly gets moving.
Your father's infrastructure projects over the years help you in this matter. The roads are wide and properly maintained, in wetter places they are made out of stone, in places that can do without them with dirt. You will have to move east first to a place where the Seldau narrows enough for there to be a bridge across it. You wouldn’t ford at this time of the year anyway and attempting to cross the frozen river would be suicide.
At about eleven o’clock in the morning you passed through the charming little village of Zweiteilt. The local inhabitants, with nothing better to do, in the winter had come out to see the army pass through. You halted near the centre of the village to confer over the next step.
<span class="mu-i">’’The road here split in two afterwards. We go to the coast from here and pass through the orderstate to Tautenland. Most likely entering in Lummeren. If we go southwest through Mozolavia we would enter a bit more south. Most likely in Fluddenmark or Tsöchen. But the choice is yours’’</span>
>Let us move along the coast, that way we could resupply by ship if necessary.>I do not trust the orderstate any more than my father does, they may be fellow Tautens but I would rather go through Mozolavia