>Ask Kospel where to find a bag and where our room isKospelTheBestDMEver451 replies:
Noooo! Please, stop trolling me! Noooo! I have been trying to dox you bathrobewaif6969 and you ask me where your room is? I have no idea where it is?! If I knew I would have sent like SWAT teams to your location like they do on the livestreams with the gamers but your trolling is far too advanced! Noooo! Leave me alone!
>>5124516 Phone battery increases to 19%)
>Ask Kospel about vampiresKospelTheBestDMEver451 replies:
Ha! I am an expert on this! I know everything! So easy! Did you know, I once fought this vampire singlehandedly in a dungeon...! And I survived! And there was this other strange person, who I think was also maybe a vampire, but I sort of hit my head a bit on a rock and got a bit wet or something after I do not remember. But vampires are really tough. If you shoot and slash and burn them a lot, a LOT, they will actually die. But the problem is - they will be fighting back. It is like - imagine you had to fight someone who had a chainsaw but you only had like a needle or a tattoo gun ha ha ha. The needle would eventually kill them pathetically slowly but you probably would get torn apart first by the chainsaw. And also when vampires die they go to some strange place like a red forest or whatever I am not sure.
But the best way to end a vampire is to kill them with an old weapon. A weapon that is of the same era as when they were born, or older than when they were made. Like a really ancient sword or axe or spear or something. But this is why it is difficult. You need to research their origin. If you fought a vampire with the wrong era weapon, it might hurt them a bit, but then they would just tear you apart! It would be horrible!
You could also try destroying their sanctuary. This does not actually kill them, but it makes them mortal. The sanctuary could be anything though. It could be like an amulet or trinket or anything at all. If you destroy this they cannot go to the red forest or whatever and you can just end them normally. See, I know so much stuff! I am so amazing!
>Write-in a request for Kospel: Tell me everything you know about MAGUS and Alsephina Hotel.(There is no response to this. You have a feeling you have just doxxed yourself)
(You are being hunted)
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