>>5884784Despite your desperate straits—no, because of them—a dozen different plans jog through your mind like little leaves whipped up by a gale-wind, whirling about and supplanting one another faster than you can properly weigh and consider them. Some people freeze up in such situations, unable to think of ANYTHING to do, simply stock-still like terrified prey. You aren’t like that, though. In the Goblin Wastes, in the Chimericism classroom before then, you learned what matters of life-and-death do to you. Your time betwixt the Elemental planes crystallized that. It isn’t a matter of courage, its abundance or dearth; it is a matter of survival, and necessity.
You force yourself to focus. Time slows down. Your body is weak, your heart wanting, but your mind is, as ever, your greatest weapon. You bring it now to bear.
You could heal Muffins… But he’s still pinned atop you, still at the mercy of this terrorizing dread-wolf as you are. What chance does he really have, as things stand, to right himself and return the ‘favour’ he’s been dealt before, say, simply being savaged anew and left dead? Unconscious as he is, he is ironically safest.
Then… You could heal the werewolf?
By casting <Monstrous Regeneration> rather than <Cure Wounds>, and upon a creature already largely uninjured and quite capable of restoring its own flesh and blood by some unhallowed means, you THINK you could ‘overload’ the monster’s capacity to mend itself… Perhaps creating tumorous growths, or extra limbs, or some other deformity. That would distract, disorient, and disturb ANYTHING, even an ensorcelled enemy like this, surely? Maybe even cripple its body? Of course, that’s a lot of ‘ifs’. You would only have one shot at this. No, it’s too risky.