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<span class="mu-s">The Quality Counter</span>:
<span class="mu-i">Cod, Fresh </span>: - the brown fish with the broad mouth. More than just beings considered normal, the Cod is widely held to be a suitable meal for the well-to-do's tables, and on occasion will even be found on the tables of those belonging to much higher stations. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 6 to 12 Eighth-Talents for 1 Cod. 3 Available.
<span class="mu-i">Haddock, Fresh </span> - the steel colored fished with the perky fins. As is the case with the Cod, the Haddock is held to be a suitable meal for the well-to-do, and while it is not as likely as Cod to be found on richer tables, it is not completely precluded from them. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 2 to 8 Eighth-Talents for 1 Haddock. 4 Available
<span class="mu-i">Salmon,Fresh </span> - the green and gray fish with the under-bite. If there was such a thing as a egalitarian fish dish, it would have to be Salmon. While it may be priced out of the diets of the meanest subjects, beyond that it runs the gamut of tables - from merchants who have yet to earn a Family Patent all the way up to Princeps and Princes. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 24 to 48 Eighth-Talents for 1 Salmon. 1 Available.
<span class="mu-i">Elvers, Live</span> - the juvenile finless fishes, plucky and plump. A commoner's luxury, which evokes the Lamprey, whose consumption is restricted to Citizens of the Empire. This batch is alive in buckets ... though for how long remains to be seen. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble, especially considering that it is still alive. Will survive in buckets <span class="mu-i">up to</span> 1 day from now. After death, will remain in edible state for 1 day. 24 to 48 Eighth-Talent for 1/8 pound of Elvers. Around 3 pounds available.
<span class="mu-i">Eels, Fresh </span> - the fully grown finless fishes, all the pluckier and plumper. A commoner's luxury, which evokes the Lamprey, whose consumption is restricted to Citizens of the Empire. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. 56 to 96 Eighth-Talents for one 4 inch portion. Around 10 portions available.
<span class="mu-i">Lamprey, Fresh </span> - the regal eel with the bristling mouth and false eyes. A controlled delicacy, restricted to Citizens of the Empire. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. If Chlotsuintha wants to try this delicacy, she is going to have to pass a deception and a persuasion test. As far as being worked on the Life-Loom, this flesh should present no particular trouble. Remains in edible state for 1 day. Price and availability on request.