>>5849374Nation Name: Zorule (The Kingdom of Zorule, the Domain of Zorule)
Race/races: Zora; aquatic and semi-aquatic piscine humanoids with gills, fins and a fish-like tail protruding from the back of their skull. They are powerful swimmers and as at-home in and beneath the water as they are on land.
Religion(s): Triforcism (Belief in Din, goddess of Power; Nayru, goddess of wisdom; Farore, goddess of Courage; they will also accept great beasts they might find and mysterious spirits as local/regional/personal deities subservient to the three.
Culture(s): The Zora people are long-lived and communal, raising their young from Tadpoles in communal pools at the heart of their domain. They build magnificent works of marble and luminous stone which they channel the waters through.
History: The Zora claim that this world, as many, were created and filled with laws and life through the actions of a Trio of golden goddesses. Their own people started simply, as fish-like humanoids emerging from the waters; but their communal nature meant that leaders were quickly chosen and descent through the lines of those with admirable characteristics (the attributes of the three) was deemed superior to letting the unworthy command.
Starting actions:
1: Fish Security : Tasty fish are our preferred food to hunt and catch; and though they are plentiful, we issue edicts and demark areas to protect their spawning grounds so they will always be able to recover and increase their numbers.
2: Establish quarries and craft tools so we might dig and work with lustrous light marbles and shimmering luminous stones.
3: Weaponscrafting: We will make for ourselves elegant weapons; tridents and Swords, spears and bows and boomerangs that are light and durable, and tolerant of our aquatic nature.
4: Water Magic: Water is our home and our life; we take steps to begin research of magical secrets that will allow us to keep the falls flowing.
5: Great Dams; Our land must be built upon; dams and canals and aqueducts to channel the flow of the waters; keeping our people moist and damp and the pools filled.
6: Warrior Training: There are always those who must excel in the arts of power and application of power; and so our warriors must train to master those weapons we wield in their use against our foes
Preferred colour: Dark Blue (as pictured) but any Blue would do.