You sit down next to her, realizing your legs are still tired from walking all the way from the hospital to Felino's house. Lily looks over at you.
"So? Are you gonna drink?"
You tell her it's probably not a good idea to drink so soon after having a head injury.
"Okay? What's the worst that can happen? You'll die? We'll all be dead in three days anyway, did you forget? I thought you were 'hardcore' or whatever."
You DID tell her you were hardcore...
Jon walks over, spatula in hand.
"Hey, Fibro! And Lily! The food will be done in a few minutes if either of you are hungry. I made the patties myself!"
Lily stares at him, clearly annoyed by his presence. You just give him a nod.
"Alright, then! I hope we're being good hosts for you dudes. Between you and me, I was really worried I was going to make myself look like a fool and ruin this for Felino... She's, well, already had it kinda rough the past little while for a lot of reasons. I wanna make this a fun night for us all. So, I hope you don't have any, well, particularly huge complaints." he sighs, "Anyway, I better get back to it."
He walks away, leaving you and Lily alone again.
"You should totally kick his ass." she says, smirking, but she rolls her eyes when she sees your expression, "Or at least have a drink, Jesus, don't be such a fucking downer."
DAY TIMER: 15:14:00
>Defend your hardcoreness
>Go beat up Jon
>Scold Lily
>Go get Alice
>Something else