>>5327231“Very well,” you say.
You reach up to remove your necklace, and you hand it to Sikdo, who holds it before him with wondering eyes. The other kobolds gather around, in many ways simple creatures despite their advanced age and superior, Reptilian genealogy.
“I will not be needing this any longer,” you explain. “I am receiving a new amulet, of considerable power… But you may have this, rather than my masters. Each bead contains a different spell, I am told. Use them wisely.”
The kobolds look up at you in a mxi of suspicion and admiration. You sigh. After your discussion with the Master of the Insightful Eye, you better understand this peculiarity, which always led you to feel so uneasy and ill-appreciated, and likely led to the misunderstandings and bullying which characterized your pubescence. The mind of a full-blooded Reptilian just does not work as… As YOURS does.
“This is no gift,” you elaborate, affecting sternness. “This is a deposit, to buy your loyalty. So, too, will be the many additional such ‘shinies’ which you will acquire, in serving me. You have all heard of my plans to form an alliance, and to raid the wealthy holds of the dwarves. Well, this is no idle fancy—it is HAPPENING. The loot will be TREMENDOUS, and you and yours will receive a share of it—a portion of the shinies to ‘own-own’, as you say. This a promise, and I will live up to it… So, should any other rabble start rousing dissent, remember what you stand to lose.”
The kobolds gulp, and squeak rapid assent of your plans, and in praise of your generosity, as well as your judicious use of brutality. You think they even MEAN it.
“We will of course keep the bulk of it, and have first right of refusal on any magical items,” you add, broaching no argument. “Artefacts of importance, in the dwarf-mines or the reopened excavations of this mountain will be presented to myself or your other masters for our inspection and approval before you are given the right to keep them… But we will be fair in our approach, and keep your performance in mind. Most of what we want will be of little interest, regardless—dusty scrolls, cultural relics, books, maps…”