>>5766574>>5766596>>5766599>>5766602>>5766609Your heart races as you sprint through the Baatar camp, directing your men to the tents that are most likely to hold the treasures you seek. "Silk and spices, here!" shouts one of your warriors, ripping open a chest filled with aromatic contents and rich fabrics that shimmer under the moonlight. Another group unearths a cache of intricately crafted jewelry and bags filled with gold coins. You urge them on, "Swiftly! Every moment counts!" The air grows tense, the distant sound of hooves and war cries growing louder, hinting at the approach of Baatar reinforcements. "Time to leave!" you yell, ensuring your men are not getting too greedy or bogged down. Every second is precious. As you and your warriors mount your steeds, treasures in tow, the edge of the Baatar camp is illuminated by approaching torches - the reinforcements are almost upon you. But your decisive action and preparation pay off. Your father's best horsemen, trained for rapid raids, swiftly retreats into the night, becoming shadows once more. Every so often, you glance back, but the chasing lights of the Baatar grow dimmer and dimmer. By dawn, as the first rays of sunlight kiss the horizon, you return to your horde's encampment. Your warriors, though weary, wear triumphant smiles, their horses laden with spoils.
>>Tribute to the Khan: With a sense of duty and respect, you gather the entirety of the loot and place it ceremoniously at your father's feet.>>Asserting Independence: You choose to keep the majority of the loot, offering only a token tribute to your father.>>Complete Ownership: The raid was your undertaking, your leadership, and your risk. Feeling that the treasures are rightfully yours, you decide to keep them all.