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The levy has come a long way since you recruited them from camp haldric and you can proudly call them no longer untrained levy and now call them proper soldiers. They understand the concepts behind maneuver and fire as well as how to properly dig in.
The 185th infantry battalion under Major taylor are now green instead of levy
Mr steel contacts the princess and gets a basic layout of the battle plan for the opening months of the war. The basic plan is to consolidate the reformist forces at the current frontline with fighting retreats out of the territory the junta plans to take. The city of hankton will be contested with as much force as needed.
After consolidation and organization the reformist forces will begin to push south toward the capital. The capital, while important, is simply not an attainable objective while the reformist forces are scattered. Mr steel also marks the best guess for the controlled territory of the penal revolt.
>Plan to join the fighting retreat
>stay behind
>write in