Quoted By:
[SASAKI & SATOMI] "On the subject of the negative space. Observe the Ma between us."
I tilted my head.
[SATOMI] "And the Ma between you and us, you idiot."
[SASAKI] "Do not think unkindly of us for pointing out the obvious in... those who are fallen behind. We are just sincere."
[SATOMI] "As our names suggest. We are very sincere. We are not afraid to tell a stupid person like you when you are stupid."
[SASAKI] & SATOMI] "So, idiot, listen and see, Ma space is that between all things. Without out, can no one thing be liminal. Nor would you be able to be stuck between utter folly and supreme education like you are, as a goddess."
Never in my life did I think I would be both insulted and educated at once by someone, anyone at all. I can't imagine what being a student under these two is like...
[SASAKI] "There is power in Ma."
[SATOMI] "Great power indeed."
'And you mean literally as well. One can design a zero point generator able to pull power from Ma Space.'
[SASAKI] "Very good. You're becoming slightly less stupid."
[SATOMI] "Unless you merely heard this from one who has learned under us anyway."
They're really beginning to get on my nerves with that. Knowing how I know something before I can even say it.
[SASAKI] "Astrology is linked to the studies of Ma. But Astrology has many different uses."
[SATOMI] "It is mostly used with a calendrical system. Using Astrology, one can form their horoscopes."
[SASAKI] "A method of divination. Though I suspect you're more interested in what Ma has in relation to someone like Lord Akasa himself."
'Maybe.' I said.
[SATOMI] "Ooh, we hate 'maybes'. You definitely do, don't you?"