>>5883503>please shop at /qtg/ again in the future and pick up a copy of Drowned Quest Redux anthology if you are the sort of freak who likes suffering MCsHey! Charlotte Fawkins doesn't suffer that much! She only gets possessed or manipulated or stabbed or mutated or has a mental breakdown, like, ONCE a thread... or maybe twice...
But she has a positive attitude! And ALL heroines have to suffer a little bit before they get to fulfill their destiny and have everyone in the world love them, and she's a real genuine bona-fide heroine, so... uh... there! Ha! Ha-ha! Suck it!
(...You're sucking it, right?)
Really, she's suffering slightly less these days, but such is the life of a capital-P Protagonist: the setting (and the dice system) hates them. Charlotte being weird and self-absorbed and abrasive 100% of the time doesn't help any. But it could always be worse... it could be the original Drowned Quest!My pitch: read Drowned Quest Redux if you like bizarre settings, "distinctive" protagonists, dream logic, banter, em dashes, a great deal of backlog, and suffering. Thanks for the semi-rec!