Quoted By:
You land in the middle of the village, scattering a flock of chicken.
"Grrrreeeting, humans"
It's the first time you try speaking the common language. Some sounds are a bit tricky for your mouth, but humans seems to understand what you are saying. That and imprinting peaceful images in the crowd head, such as the conversation landscape happening in a flower field with all of you sitting and a respectful distance transcribing a sentiment of serenity.
You're not boastful, but you feel you nailed the first impression. The audience is tense, still. Hard crowd, ammaright?
Then, you try your best to communicate the ratmen menace. A menace some young and ambitious could get fame eliminating before the ratmen tide reach the village.
<span class="mu-s">"Legend. Bedtime tales for villain's children"</span>
A loud voice raised. One that suffer no contradiction. Although, a green one. A late-teenager with better clothing than the wannabe-archers.
"And what is yourrrr name, you so churrre of holding ze truthhhhh?"
<span class="mu-s">Hector.</span>
"Yeah, the maiden call him <<Hector the well endowed>>. He is famous for both wielding the bigger sword, while being the fastest shouter of them all"
The sentence, launched like a well-placed sword botte, comes from one of the few girl hanging around with a bow. It is welcolm with randy laugh, although you're not quite sure what's the social stigma associated with being a great warrior. Better use the honorifics to flatter him and win him to your cause.
"SSooo, Hectoorrrr knooown as ze well endooowed, let me shooow you ze prrooof I'm nooot a rrambling lizzzarrrd"
And you take out the injured rat from your stockpile.
The women gasp. Half the guardsmen step back, while the bravest one walks forward, hand on the pummel of their sword. It takes them a fraction of second to understand you are not launching a tide of vermin from inside their walls, but really warning them of a threat.
"And zerrrre's mooooorre. Ze rrats have zeeir damn warr enginne, shooting currsed rrays tearrring woood and flesh like a sharp blade cut grassss"
>14, 13, 10 : triple success.
[The humans are convinced by your argument. They won't move out and settle permanently at your hold, but they will help you defend from the common menace.]
Humans tell you they'll need a few day of preparation. All the bow-proficient, glory seeking youngs will come with you; there are fifteen of them. You made quite an impression to the young lord, that will be joined by five lowborn spear-wielder]
That is a real relief, knowing you found at worse meatshield, at best helping hands that will settle longer term with you in the hold.