Quoted By:
>Ella currently has 6 Rage.
>Ella currently has 8 Will.
>Alex currently has 4 Rage.
>Alex currently has 8 Will.
>Marley currently has 3 Rage.
>Marley currently has 8 Will.
>Isaiah currently has 5 Rage.
>Isaiah currently has 8 Will.
Your first course of action is to begin the walk to civilisation. Isaiah and Ella are locals, so you're able to get directs to the nearest town from them. Once you arrive, you'll see about stealing some clothes so you can fit in with ordinary people. Next, you'll have to find a map or somewhere with internet access so you can find out where Tennyson actually is.
During the journey through Ladburg, you ask if anyone brought anything useful with them to the caern. You've got a twenty dollar bill and some change in your wallet, but that's it. Alex has around thirty bucks and a phone that ran out of charge a couple of months ago. While the Amish use cash, Ella and Isaiah didn't bring any with them to the caern and Marley's sole possessions are the clothes that he wears, lent to him after his Change.
So that leaves you with a little over fifty dollars. It's not much, but maybe you can make it work.
It takes around ninety minutes for you to get the nearest town from the commune, and it's not much of a town either. There's probably less than a thousand people who actually live there, but it's still enough to astonish Marley. As the Metis flinches at every passing car and marvels at every house that you walk past, you come to realise that he must be even more sheltered than the Amish duo. This must be the first time he set foot outside of that forest in his entire life. Hopefully it won't be too much of an issue.
You stop by the edge of town and take a moment to discuss how you're going to acquire these clothes. Their religious upbringing leaves Isaiah and Ella a little uncomfortable about the prospect of stealing, but it's not like they have a choice if they don't want to stick out wherever they go in their filthy Amish attire. On the other hand, you get the feeling that Alex has done this sort of thing before and Marley's upbringing has left him with a poor understanding of property.
>Send Alex to steal what you need from a shop. It'll be quick and though it's likely that she'll be seen, it's not like you're going to stick around this town for long.
>Raid clotheslines on the outskirts of the town. You're much less likely to be caught but it'll also take a lot longer, maybe a couple of hours to get everything you need.
>Have Ella convince some of the locals to part with their cash. You could use this money for a whole lot more than clothes. (Ella will spend 1 Will [Persuasion].)