Rolled 5 (1d10)
>>5357520My nation's surely un-diabolical actions:
>INTRODUCE ALL OF MY NEIGHBORS TO EACH OTHER!!!>Communication to ALL NEIGHBORS: I would like to introduce you fine fellows all to one other, in pursuits of commerce, technological advancement, and peace. I would also like to ask two questions of you: Is there anyone else in world that can be introduced to this group of friends, and would you introduce them to me? More importantly... Will all of you turn away from the disturbing allure of LigginMaNutz and join me in researching its weaknesses? Together we can stop anyone from having TaLigma Fugginzmelly HaireeBallZackThenSwallowThe RezultingLoaddAfterr (commonly known as just Ligma). There is surely a great evil coming upon this world, as has been portended, warriors will be tempted, but they cannot succumb to LickingMaiSwettyScrote, lest they be doomed to a bad taste in their mouths when they enter purgatory, or hell, or N-13-VV. The time may come soon when we may need to defend ourselves from evil.>Communication/Trade to Q-41-%9: Hi, we'd like to... Oh, yeah... Hang on, lemme plug my tentacle in... GAHHHHH!!! ...R-RR-%2 7-21-?E F-FF-FF G-03-K$ @-4Q-4Q 4-4+-4= (I would like to propose a trade to you. We would sincerely enjoy having the Bermuda Trapezoid all to ourselves. In addition, the lands to the north greatly interest us. Perhaps we can perform a mutual exchange?
We offer two trades:
1. All of your Bermuda Trapezoid territories (lower purple arrow in pic) for my 7 territories marked in orange stars, as well as 250 gold and 25 ligmacites.
2. The 20 lands on the northern continent (upper purple arrow in pic) near my other territories, for the 20 territories marked in green stars in my picture, to link you to your new territories. A precisely even trade.)
>Communication/Gift to TAOTIE >>5357448 : "Howdy, pardner. How's she hangin'? Iffin' yer lookin' fer anything in particular, let us know. In fact, yer nation seems a bit... Impoverished. Here, take 25 GOLD, invest it in the wellbeing of your commonfolk, or use it as you please. Sombreros MAY be in order for a situation like this." Then, I obsequiously expand to fill out these specific pink-multicircled territories to the best of my ability, PICRE.
If I have any juice left over, expand around Lake Kakatiti and Lake Titikaka.
>>5357520For CONQSTR:
Not trying to pester you with endless questions, I'm sure inputting all this data must be... A task. But...
Am I no longer a follower of N-14-^^? I'm not listed with the Organization. Is it because I need more religious buildings? If I am still a part of it, I'd like to build markets everywhere this turn.
I looked harder on the last two maps and counted the full 11. My bad. Also noticed I have border contact with Taotie. Communication above.
I'm guessing the Scouting Party National Strategy's +5 territory bonus is a one-turn buff that expires after the turn you activate it? I might have missed something in the pastebin.
Cheers, cunt.