>>5394065(You have gained trait: Burning)
(You have gained a severe injury)
As you flounder desperately attempting to put out the flames amidst the horror of CONTOR automated employee psychotherapy and wellness systems, which are unfortunately grafted into your very flesh through their integration with your synthetic arms, a part of you ponders over whatever went into your head from the Skulljack override, the memory node subtree partitioning
>>5393315 (and this sequence?)
>>5393689You can dimly sense the intentions of Gnadenfrei,
>>5393248the machine drone seraph of the warship Ordnungssinn
>>5391416>>5393246Somehow, you can feel it is not here to help you. Slivers of ice grasp at your heart - if only the metaphorical ice were actually available on the outside, to quench the flames gnawing at your skin and combat rig connectors - as you are momentarily frozen with the realisation that after it has finished with the pacification of this Underdistrict gang riot, Gnadenfrei is going to seize and retrieve the Skulljack, realise whatever paydata in it has gone missing, has transferred into your head... and then kill you.