>>6114721>>6115085Caedo and Phridon, shaking dust off of their clothes, blinking against vast light, check the working on the emergency ward they punched into the air. It's fading.
What was ... that?
Phridon works it out first: All the energy, the whole thing, every single iota of Potential absorbed from Jove and into the Blackstone, and then the combined curious fortune of an enormous amount of beasts all compressed into a singular point and released at random by someone who lost control of it entirely.
Good thing the blast was channeled in a direction that didn't seem to catch that many people in its direct path. All that Wrack Potential from Jove would have been horrendous if it was put into another living thing. The consequences would be dire.
Unfortunately, the road ahead is blocked. It's not safe to enter a Shimmerfield, especially one that's recently sprouted like this. Even now, small bits of lightning and ghostlight flicker between the crystals. Should probably go around. Though it could be fascinating to stand here and take notes and samples. You could learn so much. This is a Shimmerfield, freshly formed in the world. Look, the crystalline structures are forming patterns like--
The ancient stone behind Caedo groans gently. His eyes roam up and up and up.
The Fort is topling. The whole ancient fort, rent and wounded by the release of energy, is toppling sideways. Wait, that would mean it's about to hit the new field-- the crystals. They'll shatter. Kinetic energy is unpredictable inside such an area! The shards will scythe like a fragmentation grenade! The dust will billow with memories and malice and if you breathe that in your lungs will sprout trees!
You should probably RUN FOR YOUR LIFE
>... But first, I'll make a Ward behind me [Warding, *then* Stamina]>HOLY ICON IT'S COMING DOWN [Reaction, *then* Stamina]>Cover! Dive for cover! It's, uh, over there... ??? [Thoughts, *then* Stamina]>... something else?