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Valsen's pacing is slow, deliberate and, as a result, quite predictable. Which, once you notice it, gives rise to a rather petty idea.
And as it happens, you can sometimes be a rather petty person.
It's been awhile since you had to do much actual sneaking or presence concealing, but you figure you do a passable job. Since the way you imagine this looks from Valsen's perspective is that one moment it's just him delivering his "wisdom" to his acolytes and the next he turns around to change direction - and there you are, right in front of him.
He stumbles back with a rather undignified yelp, trips over his own feet, and lands on his ass.
"Hello, Valsen," you say crossly, while just barely suppressing the overwhelming urge to grin like a maniac. "I hear you've been wanting to see me."
Pettiness status: satisfied.
All around you, the acolytes are looking at you in surprise or jumping up to their feet in alarm, your sudden appearance in their midst catching them as off guard as it did Valsen. You pay them no heed, your eyes fixed on their leader.
"Come on, Valsen, don't you have something to say to me?" you demand. "You went to all this trouble to meet me. Followed me around. Sent thugs after me. Trashed my home. Well, congratulations, it worked: here I am. So let's hear your sales pitch."
"Ah, Miss Blavis! I was... y-yes," Valsen finally finds his voice. He gets back to his feet, doing a remarkable job of regaining his composure. "First of all, let me offer my sincerest apologies for the, ah, rather extreme measures-"
"You think a mere apology will be enough?" you interrupt.
"Well, of course not! I'm prepared to offer suitable compensation for any losses-"
"You think a few cred will be enough?"
You're peripherally aware of the acolytes backing away rapidly, creating a circle of empty space around you and Valsen. They obviously know when a fight is brewing.
"Miss Blavis," Vlasen steeples his fingers under his chin, giving you a look of the deepest, most apologetic concern he can muster. "I understand that you're angry. And believe me that I am willing to do <span class="mu-i">anything</span> it takes to-"
"Disband this cult of yours, pack your shit, and get the fuck off Barter. That's what it's going to take."
Valsen's expression wavers for just a moment as he flashes you a look of pure anger that he immediately masks with a jovial laugh.
"Ahaha, Miss Blavis, it appears you may have got a rather inaccurate impression of our little group. We're not a cult, we're-"