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Eight years left to live... not even a full decade. Over a decade off from the average. Your big body curses you yet again. The last laugh of a genetic dead end.
Ever since it was unearthed, you keep thinking on the message left by <span class="mu-s">Vantix Garastra</span>, the first Supreme Ruler of the space age. His time capsule hinting and accurately predicting the Supreme Rulers of the future- and pointed directly at you. You keep wracking your brain trying to understand what he meant.
It seems that his assessment of the future <span class="mu-i">Supreme Rulers tending towards neuroticism</span> was correct. Your predecessor, Talacent, was remarkably grounded even among his contemporaries. But all of <span class="mu-i">your</span> contemporaries have been host to emotional problems... including yourself. Your violence, your anger, your angst... all from a war you were chosen for that never came. The weapon rusting in a warehouse- and what an outdated joke of a weapon you are.
From this fear of being outdated, and from the fear of new Supreme Rulers pulled from the population of regular Jaxtians being even worse- you had to make a plan. You made your own. Two clones- one of <span class="mu-s">Eoba Garastra</span>, and the other of <span class="mu-s">Kimnan Oles</span>. These genetically modified Indigos have traits and genes spliced and added to correct the faults of the originals- that was always the intention.
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Eoba II</span></span> has been nothing but a wonderful boy. He's a Garastra after all- born Supreme Ruler material. He's a born duelist and tactician. His correction was easy- just a nice gentle suite of mood stabilizers in his brain- and a special little increase in his self preservation instinct. Prevent his desire for his “heroic last stands” like his first edition and make him a reliable leader.
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Kimnan II</span></span> was more complex. The first Kimnan displeased you time and again- you knew him since he was a child, and his desire for glory and recognition was in there from the beginning. It was only after you punished him did you decide to make good on Talacent's threat and make a clone of him. Remove his arrogance, his self-centered mind, dull his competitive edge... But it didn't work. At least not in the way you wanted. Kimnan II is <span class="mu-i">weak</span>. Filled with self doubt and hesitation, he constantly fails you, he never lives up to Eoba...
Where is it, Vantix? Where is the perfection? Isn't this what you wanted? If we can't find the perfect Supreme Ruler, we have to make him. Where is he? Are these building blocks <span class="mu-i">good enough</span>?