>>5464411 >>5464483 >>5465375First thing's first: time to eat. You're not sure a sandwich and cola is what you'd describe as breakfast, but oh well. You're certain that college students have eaten, and will continue to eat, worse. As you construct your sandwich you position yourself between the barricade and your guinea pigs, somewhat paranoid that they'll try to squeeze into the mishmash of boxes and furniture while you're distracted.
Fortunately neither seem interested in such a pursuit, and you're able to eat in peace. An odd calm pervades over the room, with only the sounds of squeaking, chewing, and the slight fizz of cola audible. It is both a bit unsettling and relaxing. With that thought you slowly eat and calm down, the sounds of banging and knocking occasionally sounding out from below as you do so.
After a bit you let out a sigh, return your old friends to their temporary prison (much to their displeasure), and get up and stretch. It seems like you will be here for a while, and presuming that you survive whatever this is, you will still have the rest of your life to deal with. You may as well take advantage of the fact you're awake and get something done.
In what may both be an attempt to do work and get your mind off of the situation in, you begin filling out job applications. You have quite the stack from yesterday, but they are of little use if you just leave them sitting there. Pen in hand, you remove the stack of job applications from the desk sitting near the outside of your barricade and begin filling them out. It is a boring, repetitive process, but it's also one that allows a certain kind of calm.
By the time you finish filling out all the forms and sorting through them based on which jobs you're going to apply for first (in order for desirability), you find that it's 4:45. Or in more useful terms to you, 6 hours and 15 minutes left. Little else to do, you turn your thoughts to everything you've seen tonigh- er, this morning. Given everything that's occurred and how filled with adrenaline you were earlier, it was all a bit difficult to process. Now that you've calmed down slightly perhaps you make make something out of it.
Before you woke up, this device appeared at your bedside. There were no signs of entry into the house, so how it ended up there is a complete unknown to you. Whatever left it there wants you to survive eight hours, presumably against the thing outside the house and the thing inside the house. Maybe more. Whatever is outside the house has stayed outside for a bit, but whether tha-