>CarmenPorfirio's ex-wife, the source of many woes and a key reason why he chose to fled LA, remained in the Valley in the final days of 2020. She remained safe the entire time due to the protection of her new partner, the heavyweight boxer known as the 'Kingston Killa.' The very same man she cheated on Porfirio with as their marriage failed. Despite her many fiendish actions that drove Porfirio to the very edge, she suffered no ill consequences and weathered the events of 2020 no worse than what would be expected.
>Fun Fact: If you had gone back to Carmen your 'reward' would have been getting your shit kicked in (punched in?) by a giant black boxer who'd literally knock your teeth out before you could even explain yourself. It was a [HELL] option for a reason! If you had picked the option, you would be given a 'mulligan' and allowed to go back to character selection, pretending like the events never happened.>Fun Fact 2: If you had decided to go back to Carmen anyway after the do over, you still wouldn't have gotten the girl. Instead, you'd get an Easter Egg/Joke Character available. This time he would hear you out. Then, fueled by disgust and guilt at having unknowingly cuckolded you, he would have a change of heart and join you on your escape. His ability would be immediately winning any combat situation, but only if in punching range (borderline useless.) His ending would be going to Vegas to become a prize-fighter with you as a coach...