>Try getting back to Ravenholm to report back to Samara.You make a few more feeble attempts to lure Trish out of the room, but she insists she is too corrupt to fit into a “normal” society, and too cowardly to go anywhere dangerous. You get a sinking sensation as you realize that Trish, to at least a certain extent, believes that she deserves her fate, which makes you question your own actions.
Lacking any better ideas, you sneak out of the Palace and back out into the resort city.
As you do so, you wrack your brains trying to decide what to do next.
You decide to try to report back to Samara as promised. She will no doubt be disappointed that you left Trish behind, but you feel you already have plenty of enemies without breaking your word, plus Namara is still probably interested in seeing her home world.
You decide to go back to the hotel and try searching there for clues.
In hindsight, it seems weird to you that HYDRA IX has the resources to sneak you into the resort island, but not into the Palace with its dubious security. Maybe being a pseudo-null has something to do with it, or being a pseudo-null and much more expendable than HYDRA IX’s actual nulls.
In the hotel lobby, Rhea the Greeter is having a “liaison” with some sort of egg laying mutant, so you leave them to it.
You head up to your old hotel room and search for any clues or less degrading clothes to wear.
Suddenly the door to Namara’s old room opens.
You momentarily seize up with fear.
It is Kayla....