>>5609280Moseying on over netted you a look at a small stall with a white roof. The Weavile handling the shop was evidently busy- she had something like a nail file trimming off the top of her claws. Some sort of weird piece of wood, you thought. She didn't even say hi- which gave you a good opportunity to take stock of what she had on offer...
>Inquire about the blank black book with engravings on its front, leaning on one of the posts holding the roof up. Was it just a display?>Ask about the alarmingly large Faberge egg on display. Or, what you assumed to be as much. It was very intricately decorated, despite being held up by a mere wooden bowl, but there was no way anyone in this world would know what a "Faberge" is. >Prod about the little box next to that egg. Equally-as intricate but seemingly detached, as its patterns were very different, and sort of music-box-looking.>Make a joke about the plush toys hanging in the back about something you can remember faintly and try to start up some sort of conversation. Even though the dolls look pretty creepy, and one of them's partially ripped.>Just keep browsing- don't do anything in particular. You're enjoying looking at all this weird stuff.>Write-in