>>5520568 >>5520602 >>5520603 >>5520631 >>5520741Current situation awkward. Requests for assistance will be likely to be denied. For the time being, it would be best to wait. You can reconsider how to approach the issue once more at a later date.
One of the debt collectors returns a week after the stated collection date for the ninth month of the year. From what you can follow, the two get into a verbal conflict over the current amount of the debt. When pushed on why amounts for the debt do not match, the new collector requests to know payment amounts for the past three months, effectively admitting that he has no idea what was paid. It appears that the loss of documents was harmful.
Takigi inflates the payments made to 2 silver greater than the actual amounts in response. The debt collector questions these amounts, and it can be seen that the collector is resisting the urge to just resolve things physically. After more arguing the collector eventually begins reciting the payments recorded, including the month of nonpayment, likely as evidence that Takigi could not afford to pay the amounts stated. That is when Takigi brings up several grievances, involving the payments recorded being lower than actual payments, as well as assurance from the original collector that interest for the first pay period would not be applied, as the loan was made on the 26th of that month.
The two continue arguing for some time, and you can only follow some of the specifics. Takigi's speech is centered on words such as "tell", "spread", and "everyone". The collector's focuses around words such as "hurt", "life", and "pain". Eventually the argument ceases and the two reach an agreement. Takigi seems pleased. You inquire as to the terms.
「Pay 2 gold. Now. Debt gone. Do not debt talk. Ever.」
With this agreement the lenders avoid losing their reputation and Takigi his life. A better outcome than expected, certainly.
In the following weeks you occasionally pick up enemies on your sensors, but their appearance quickly dwindles as the issue fades away. Takigi continues saving funds constantly despite the waiving of the remainder of the debt. To your understanding winter is coming soon, and supplies are required.