[JENK] "-en mektig og grasiøs kjempe med hår som står som trær. Jeg ber deg som alltid om å velsigne denne ydmyke åkeren med mitt korn, min olje og mitt sukker. Løft opp frøene mine og stryk åkrene for alltid med vindene dine. Gjør dem frostige og iskalde, som pelsen til din elskede og kjære avdøde, hvis sjel jeg for alltid skal verne om og ønske en hvilende søvn. Jeg ber deg, se den daglige kampen og gi etter, min venn, min eneste. Se at det er kjærlighet i deres intensjoner, selv om de skulle gjøre feil og falle. Se at det var verdt det til slutt. At det aldri handlet om målet, men om reisen og minnet vårt. Min store og høye venn, uansett hvor du sover nå... ta imot dette, og... ha det bra."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPlW8ZzioyQNeither of us three moved an inch. We merely stood in silence out of respect to allow the man to finish his prayer to his God, who was also his friend. Jenk's words were heartfelt as he spoke this appeal to Bedolfir. Had he the flesh too, he would have been crying. He spoke in the unmistakable manner of a devoted man begging a deity for forgiveness. But not for himself. Jenk prayed for the forgiveness of mortals. His prayers spoke highly of Bedolfir, and of Vymla the deceased. They were appeals he sung daily, hoping to see Bedolfir's heart changed.
Though, I fear his words alone were not enough, if Bedolfir was truly listening to his prayers. I could not tell for certain, but it was evident his land was blessed by Bedolfir. It was unnatural, and the unnatural was the result of gods solely.
[JENK] "..."
[WOLFBOY] "He really is a skeleton..." Wolfboy said, breaking the silence.
[JENK] "That I am." The Demigod said, rising to his feet.
He reached over to the side, and he grabbed his pitchfork, and watering tin that sloshed with water. The Cultivator Demigod turned to us all and approached.
He wore tattered clothes that showed age and decrepit experience. His tartan shirt was ripped in a few places, and his trousers had seen better days, ripped at the ankles. He wore no shoes either. He truly had sacrificed his flesh to Nature, as his skeleton was almost like coal, and the sockets peered at us with red ethereal pupils. As menacing as he looked, there wasn't a lick of hostility you could sense from him. A really gentle farmer, though Wolfboy was perturbed by him slightly.
[JENK] "I am Jenk. I am the Cultivator. It is I who brings nature and the works of mortals together. Welcome, Shennu of the Rapids. Welcome, Wolfboy of the Animal kingdom. Welcome..."
'Muna. The Qilin of Mentality.'
[JENK] "Ohh, now there's a rarity. I have not seen a Qilin since the days of the New Beginning. Welcome then, Muna of Mentality. Welcome to my farm."
The skeletal Demigod pinched his hat and tipped it to us.