Seems like a majority for
>>5934736>>5934271>>5934179>>5934157>>5934966>At his home. If you can find his place of work then you can find where he lives, in order to do things more privately.To find and confront this guy, the place of least risk you think would be his home. Or at least less risk than going to his workplace, where there's bound to be other people and probably security guards and who knows what else? Plus being in downtown means being closer to any heroes nearby there. Part of you finds that possibility appealing, the villainous side. The more sensible side recognizes that you'd be better off confronting such a threat on a serious caper.
No, for this personal matter it's better to keep things simple. So you set about the slow effort of tracking down Mr. Kovacs and figure out everything you need before you finally act.
<span class="mu-g">"Please Carol, you know I don't-"</span>
<span class="mu-b">"-no I know, I know. I was just wondering... I mean, does he still work? After... everything."</span>
It's not too difficult to get some basic info from dad, enough at least that you know where to start and without seeming suspicious for it. As you may have suspected, a fancy office in one of the highrises downtown. From there you can take time after work for several days stalking and observing both his place of work and particularly the parking deck. Checking for cameras, guards and anyone who might notice, and then one day sneaking up to use your powers to reach an arm through a door crack to unlock the car from within... setting off the alarm in the process, but who's to notice or care every time a car alarm blares for awhile in a parking deck?
The riskier part is hiding yourself inside his car, timing it shortly before he leaves, so that he can (eventually) drive home and give you everything you need. It does occur to you along the way, inhumanly contorted away under the paneling of his trunk, that something like this would be much easier with cameras and tracking sensors of your own... something to consider in the future. Otherwise, the only other difficulty is the car alarm going off again when you leave the car. But you'd already checked and given it plenty of time for him to have returned home, parked and gone inside, so that by the time he bothers to check what's going on you've already cleared it through the hedges.
<span class="mu-b">"Nice place Lenny... I'd love to know how you sleep at night- erm, that came out weird."</span>
So then, now you know where he lives. Turning on your new phone for a moment to check on a map app, and find exactly where you are in order to return. One of the nice upscale subdivisions in Southend, compared to where you and your dad live. How very much you'd love to just burn his house to the ground, though you may yet still but first you want to make sure you do this properly. Spend some more time at least to learn what you can of his house and the neighborhood before you strike, and personally.