>>5934678>>5934676( Little flickers of other lives dance in front of your eyeballs, the distant whirl of the dervish in meditative rhythm, the crack of artillery incoming, the long gruelling march to the distant dreams -- you find your elbow through the passenger window as you come back to your sense of personal continuity.
Well, nothing for it. Holiday had voided the deposit, anyway, right? )
>Agent Asclepius arrives on scene, with a car. --
Agent Inks turns the flashlight off, as the front lights of the rental wash the scene in noir glory. Misty rain drips off of rustic houses. They stand there like statues to serenity. The low lap of waves on the soft shoreline, from the mountain lake, fed by some underwater reservoir and clearer than the crystaline dreams of diamonds.
It's... all so serene. A distant dog barking. Inks shoots a glance left, looks right, sniffs the chill air.
Serene tranquility makes her spine tingle. Something is about to go awfully wrong.
>Asclepius can . . in fact act!>DRIVING: Is simply an act, the roll involved measuring traffic capability and road navigation. Unlike limited human beings, most vehicles don't really bother with agility because if its there, they can get there, eventually. >The most important consideration is whether to go SECURE or whether to lean on the accelerator. The more you STUNT, the cooler you drive. But cool cars crash, and void our deposit. Take a penalty of -1 to -10 to your action to do the "Extra" with a vehicle; the amount of risk you take is the implied value of the thing you're trying to gain.>For most standard situations, simply "driving to X" is enough to get you there safely and surely. Surely there would never be any need to do sudden evasive roadside maneveuring.