>>6112221Action 2: Establish ritual for interfacing with shadow realm where shadow queen progeny reside
>Your results have been adequate. You may proceed with the next stage and establish the following trade: "The secret to observing and communing with the shadow queen's progeny shall be exchanged for tutoring the queen and brotherhood in the arts of communion, that we may grant her her tasks directly without need for a Skrit translator".>You will be assigned a one Stige Sukon to aid in your endeavors of formulating the ritual of shadow communion. You are to be granted oversight over him, but know that he is regarded highly as an alfar of ends that justify many means. Fail, and he will be granted your control over the project.- Missive from Habitun council to Brother Saffer
>An assignment to the city of Bikube, a blessing in disguise. The council was attempting to delay addressing my demands, compliant with teachings and canon as they were, but in doing so, they would grant me access to one of my long-pondered secrets: the origins of magic.>How can energies so different from what we observe in reality be made existent? Surely 'tis not a lack of our studies of nature, or weakness in our senses, for so oft such effects can only be reproduced through ritual and magic endeavor, and no other means, yet they are reproduced so consistently as to imply they are more than flukes or flubs in nature's way.>Our rite of Tenebrism had granted our peoples a new means of existence, yet what they could observe was little different from what our unascended selves could. A sight better suited for darkness, and little else. Or so we had thought.>The rite of Tenebrism, applied to the Skrit[1] had granted them the ability to birth not more of their number, as it did our Shadows, but invisible, ephemeral progeny, undetectable by any but our honored Shadows.>They did not seem to affect nature as we know it in any way we could experience, yet they could observe it unhindered, or so the theories went at the time[2].>I was sorely tempted to undergo the rite of Tenebrism just so that I may more thoroughly examine them, but practicality won out, and I'd elected to recruit the services of a Shadow, as well as the dreadfully whimsical Skrit interfaces. What efficiency was lost in the study was more than made up for with flexibility in operation under Solaire's wretched gaze whilst it still exuded its tainting light.>My true obstacle was the insufferable brother Saffer and his unseemly attachment to the status quo. Had I not known better, I would have accused him of seeing the outsiders as our potential equals. But it did not do well to engage in politicisms as long as he did not overstep his bounds, and so I would keep to mine.1. Eastern neighbors to the Habitun and their research partners during the Dawn age.
2. Check page 289 for theory comparisons.
- Stige Sukon
"Theory of Magimancy: Chapter 5"