(Hello Charlotte: EP 2 OST - Sweet Reverie)
https://youtu.be/RLmWjcJKKY0From the darkness of maintenance, the blinding white light greets you like a sucker punch. You throw your arm up to shield yourself. You advance haltingly into the pure bright and cross over the threshold. Blinking away the sudden flash, it's apparent what you find yourself in.
This is a library. A tremendous, pure white library. Shelves of books stretch into the distant horizon and piles upwards to an unknown ceiling, all shrouded by a thick white fog. Peering over the railing, you see more floors below of countless more shelves and piles of books. And it is silent. So, so silent. Every one of your footsteps against the hard floor sounds oddly muted, the sound seemingly devoured.
[ANALYTICAL] You have never seen any buildings within the City like this before. Some of it matches Bennett's description of the Big Empty and other labs surrounding the City, but there was also never anything about books in his stories.
A sinking feeling takes hold...
Each step unsettles a thick layer of dust as you walk and take in the surroundings. The air is moist. A faint wind blows, carrying the smells of rotting paper and wood. Books sag under their own weight, piles spilling over among each other like fallen giants.
[ANALYTICAL] Everything is degrading. All around you is the perpetual, unrelenting rot of human knowledge.
"Oh! A visitor!" A young woman's voice calls out. From behind a receptionist's round counter, the head of brunette in a black coat peeks over. She stands up so suddenly, she almost trips over herself to greet you. The cute smile on her face reminds you of an M Company Drone, strangely enough.
[ANALYTICAL] That coat of hers is the same as the woman who you ran over. The uneasy feeling is forming in your guts.
"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the WHITE LIBRARY, sir." She seems positively giddy at your being here. "We're... I'm in the middle of reorganizing and salvaging all of the books here! So please excuse the inconvenience! I mean, appearance."
[URBAN IMPULSE] Uhhhhhhhhh. "THAT'S A LOTTA BOOKS," you say, pretty stupidly.
"Yes, sir." She makes a grand sweeping gesture with her arms, then points a pointer finger upwards. "The White Library contains the largest collection of books dedicated to the study of the origin and development of human societies and cultures throughout the Blue City. Among our sister locations, we're called the Floors of Anthropology. So we're very busy down here, organizing, reading, and preserving them all!"
"Yes, haha! Precisely." Then her smile wavers and a little of her exhaustion and the sadness inside creeps into her voice. "The Head Librarian has been absent for quite some time now. Before, there used to be other Patron Librarians and Assistants who used to help... But now, we've shrunk down to almost nothing... you see..."