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It is the first festival that she has ever missed since the unification of the Croglatol and her absence is making an impact. The mood is dour and solemn and much of the conversation revolves around concerns and fears for Sitrun's well-being, and what the future might hold. Something needs to be done to lift the spirits of the people.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">propose a year without taxation</span>. For the next year, blood-drinkers will not be sent to acquire shell money from anyone. It will be a time of great wealth for the Croglatovic, free from monetary concerns.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">announce a grand tournament</span>. All of the Vuvovic and Sharovic shall be invited to Ancron, where they shall brawl with one another to prove their strength and bring joy to the chiefdom.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">grant greater autonomy to villages</span>. Tribal leaders will be free to decide how they run their villages. They will be free to make their own decisions and go against previous rulings, if that is their wish.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">allow sacred prostitution</span>. It is time to enact the plan that Glotradan concocted so many years ago. Young women who hope to become drobrac must first serve as pamibrac – 'family women.'
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">make no effort to alleviate sorrow</span>. Sitrun is not dead yet. There's no need to destabilise the chiefdom in a desperate attempt to appease the masses. Keep calm, carry on and all shall be well.
>Propose a year without taxation.
>Announce a grand tournament.
>Grant greater autonomy to villages.
>Allow sacred prostitution.
>Make no effort to alleviate sorrow.