>SELECTED: His Words Speaks Only Truth>A) Orator: +20DC to Persuasion Rolls>*You may not speak a lie, even to save your own life.I absolutely love you fuckers.
>Finally gain an agent within the DG that can discretely report to the Ordo Reginate on the inner workings of the upper echelons of Cathagi society. >Said agent proceeds to almost immediately take a vow prohibiting them from lying if anyone directly asks them if they are a spy.>Sir Gilbern’s fucking face when >>5553243>Can we get a Mikhail/Slave boy excerpt? I am curious how they hashed it out and if Mik came right back or had some fun(?) By himself in CathagiThe slave boy actually accompanied your party rather than the reverse, so Mikail isn't running around alone in the big bad City just yet. As luck would have it, the slave boy speaks a dialect that the contingent of pilgrims from the south are verse in, and a few of those speak Cantonian. After some three-way roundabout translation, the time and place of the face-off has been arranged.
Now whether the precise terms have been miscommunicated through chinese whispers might depend on how much you trust your squire and the other parties to have gotten that right...
>>5553892> liegelordYou are a member of your house, so your Father would count (not Mother, despite the Romani culture, but one day your elder Brother). And of course you are a man of Canton, and so you owe your King your service and at a remove the Duchess of Romaine too. Besides that, I'd accept a direct command of the Angel to flee as in-character absolving you of the dishonour as well at least in your eyes.
I would not think it this extends to those that you are protecting or have obligations to etc. You may be faced with a choice where you might have to dishonour your vow to never flee in the face of the Foe so that you could continue to protect others but your noble intention would only rinse some of the dishonour from the act of fleeing rather than wash it away altogether. Similarly, an oath to return alive would not remove the dishonour of fleeing.
>>5553867>>5553871>>5553874Another one going straight in my 'feel good QM' book. Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate it.
I love my IRL work, and I don't think writing would hold the same joy for me if I was actually getting paid. But this keeps me happy as a hobby.