>>5259920>>5259616The necromancer PTE dissecates the insect corpses in his possession, separating them into four base materials: cerebral matter, ichor, offal, and chitin. The materials are sterilized and stored in jars of glass, which are piled up in his laboratory with his other collections. This sight would be frightening for a human or an insectoid, yet PTE feels nothing but cold indifference.
The distortion totems sink into the rotten floor of the blood swamp. It is only too late that PTE notices that their energy field has disappeared, and they cannot be recovered or restored.
Following a ritual of extreme thaumaturgical and scientific complexity, PTE crystalizes magically charged ichor, a vile, organic material, to form a new artifact of regal craftmanship: the Scepter of Fell Dominion. He makes one scepter for himself, and makes a duplicate for his clone, Thadmancer. The creation is perfect, and works accurately, as he had designed.
>+jars of insectoid organs>+1 Scepter of Fell Dominion>Population: 383 Legacies, 14 zombies [insectoid]