>>5945974>>5945986>>5946630You traveled and traveled in snow, even when it began to fall again but fortunately it stopped very quickly and you had a grey and cold but not handicapping time then. You traveled until dusk, when you finally saw the hills of Benny, you began to ascend one of them until you saw a kind of cavern with a still not frozen waterfall nearby. The water was probably clear since it was a spring, so you decided to stop nearby and, even if it was noisy, make some fire and begin to rest. You unwrapped some bedrolls while your men foraged and you ate some cold provisions, a miserable fate, during the evening. Normally the travels should take you five days, you hoped to make it in four if your calculus was good you will be here three days after Rose and you hoped that the new baron would not be nominated yet. The more and more you were on your way, the more and more you feared that, as many men in affairs of intrigue, you would be duped because you arrived last. So you were brooding, and since you disliked brooding and being sad in general you decided to address towards your brave Godefroi who was looking at the stars and volunteered to take the first watch.
-You remember, dear Godefroi, how we traveled by valleys and hills in Guyenne. The climate was better than here but those were times... Even in Aragon...
The old man turned towards you, his hand caressing his mustache. A small smile appeared.
-Yes, yes, I remember those times. But sometimes, monseigneur, we think more about home than about travels.
-Allons, allons, dear Godefroi, this cold time has saddened you. I do not remember you like this.
-Me ? Saddened by some snow ? I was not a wailing squire contrary to you before I beat some sense into you monseigneur ! And I never forgot to saddle the horse of my knight in time forcing him to be one of the lasts in battle.
You remembered it, it was true that you were not a very good squire at the beginning, but you learned, with time, diligence, and some slaps.
Well, some slaps and some beating with rods and batons, but this was good, it forged the character of the children : "Qui aime bien, châtie bien", "Who loves well, punishes well" such was your opinion. You could only agree.
-My father gave me to you to make a knight out of his third son. And you did it, I shall always be grateful messire Godefroi.
The old man laughed a bit, sincerely.
-Yes, your father, Monseigneur Eudes, he could have ordered me anything I would have done it, to charge Englishmen, Saracens, or those bastards to the south who always tell that the lands east of the stream belong to them. Hah, yes. But when he ordered me to educate his third son, I did not know what to do. I told him that to educate the son of my liege lord would be a great honor, but I know only of making knights, and a third son should be a clergyman. You know what he answered to me ?