>>6178201[I'm reordering your actions a bit, because you doubled the same action of going to the fuel tanks. It was an auto-success, so you'd get to start immediately, regardless of roll.]
You focus yourself for a practical job (+1). Xavier and Wyatt are willing to join immediately, and both seem reasonably sober, and prepared.
[If my 5th+4th <=10, both your teammates will be teatotal for the mission. If more, they will be unable to resist immediately consuming any drugs or alcohol (5 on a loot roll) found on the mission.]
You ask the Merchant for more info on the cattle theft, but he can only reitterate the little he knows (8).
>sorry Pete, farmer John didn't elaborate, just wanted someone to come out and take a look. >ok. Well, you think it'll keep? I figured to check that lead on the fuel tanks before i head out into the bush.>there's always more to do. You and wyatt are the only ones that can go that far anyhow. The cow won't get any less stolen, but it may not be there to find in another 24 hours.[If my 4th+3rd <=10, the cow theft is an isolated incident. If more it indicates FAMINE, and will add a cannibal bandit to any ghoul or calamity roll.]
You meet one other man before departing. Wirey, unkept, armed with a rifle, and ready to go as you arrive at the Truck.
>heard you're found fuel. I'm Toffler. I'll ride shotgun.You find this presumption to be offputting. Suspicious even, as you recieved no interest when asked about recruits to accompany you, and when you did speak about what you'd been reading, well, you have enough sense to realize that this pushy little man has no good purpose in mind for accompanying you.
>we're full up. You don't let him in, and don't wait for any excuses (2).
[If my 3rd+2nd <=10, Toffler will follow later in 3 turns. If more he will follow in 1 turn.]
You depart in the Ambulance and quickly cross the parkinglot to the west, then under the freeway, and another few blocks to the a multi acre plot of concrete and gravel, with an entryway for semitrucks between Six large white tanks of the fuel farm. (automatic).
[If my 2nd+1st <=10 the fuel tanks are abandoned. If more they are surrounded by the same amount of ghouls, and a pair of bandits.]
>[there are multiple fuel tanks, and they must be checked individually, requiring a successful movement roll to each new tank before it can be checked. If a tank has no fuel, you move on. If it it has fuel, the fuel must emptied through a gate valve at the bottom into a receptical and transported to the ambulance storage tank][Continued]