Quoted By:
"Want to sit down and watch someone else's life? I like to do that when I'm not feeding the ducks." Gary asks. He pats an empty spot on the bench. "I can understand if you're too busy, though."
"Or we can tell you some old stories, sweetheart. You're a very busy man, after all. Hopefully you're more receptive than that young lady we saw." The old lady dramatically sighs. "The benefits of being young, I suppose."
"That they can keep up with how quick the world moves? Of course." Gary nods his head. "I lost that a long time ago myself. Couldn't really keep up with the times. All of this new fangled nonsense is out of my league."
"There's no need to worry about that anymore, is there?" The old woman responds. "I suppose there isn't. What's in the past is in the past." Gary solemnly responds. You take in another deep breath as you try to process what the fuck is going on. The smell of flowers overwhelms any other scent you could've possibly smelled.
You have a dozen fucking questions to ask. You're not even really sure where to start. What DO you want to ask them/do? You probably have enough time to ask or do four of these.
>Ask them where the hell you're at. You don't recognize this place from, well, anywhere.
>Ask them how you got here. You were just in your bed a few moments ago.
>Sit down and listen to their stories. You really do need a destress after that last shift you had. You might even learn something from them.
>Young lady? Who's that? Pry more into that vague statement.
>Introduce yourself to the old lady. Try to learn a bit more about who she is. She seems vaguely familiar?
>[HOPELESS WRECK] "I deserved that, didn't I?" You're curious how much of AFYN is Gary. Prod him to see if he remembers the fight you had.
>[BOUND BY DUTY] Hold out a hand towards Gary. You want to show him respect for all he's done. Thank him for everything he's done, alive or as a bizarre artifact.
>[DYING LIGHT] You're curious about his offer. Walking a mile in someone else's shoes...take him up on it. (A quick follow up vote will come to see what glimpse you'll get.)
>Write in
While you process what you want to bother asking them, an old bit of martial arts is flowing back to your mind... (Pick one to learn.)
>Flying Axe Kick. Use those long legs like a sharp guillotine! (Melee range, DC 13 bo2. On a success, grants you three +1s you can use in any configuration. Cooldown of one combat round.)
>Full Thrust. Put all your body weight to knock them over! (Melee range, DC 11 bo1. On a success, grants you or an ally a single reroll of a FORCE die. No cooldown.)
>Tar Volley. Use your rot to your advantage. (Ranged, DC 15 bo2. On a success, grants a temporary +2 FORCE dice to your next roll. Cooldown of one combat round.)