You smile at the Ralt's its pretty cute but this approaching force seems ominous... your going to wait here for the creature to approach... that way when you have to run away you are perfectly prepared to.
Their is the shine of light and the thing emerges from the grass.... well thing is a bit harsh. It's not a ghost or a pokemon.
She's a person. tattered blue shoulder cape billows above a mud stained straight jacket, red hair flowing underneath a tattered aluminum skull cape. Despite this the womans stance is straight, haughty, her body as sharp as anything covered in cloth could be.
Most worrisome was the glittering nothing in her hand, a blade manifested from pure psychic energy.
"HALT NERDO WELL!" The woman shouts at you, her eyes focused on you as the Ralts stumbles in shock. "You are in the presence of Sir Planchett Sans Nom! Paladin of Coballion, witch do not lay a hex on the questing beast, before you, it is integral to my crusade!"
You look at the Ralts who looks up at you with equal confusion.
>Are you supposed to be a knight? To a... legendary pokemon?>Cobalion isn't from Orre>I saw the Ralts first that gives me right of fighting>I am not a witch I am a princess... I mean, a normal girl>Ralts are you seeing this?>Write in