>>5189905"Oh, there's plenty I'd like to ask, but I still have things to sort out. I'll have to take a rain check on that, Leviathan.” You answer, heaving a regretful sigh. “Next time we meet will be messy, but let's see if we can make it a bit less chaotic. I still have to pay you, after all."
‘INDEED YOU DO…BUT SOMETHING TELLS ME YOU’RE A DAUGHTER OF YOUR WORD.” The Apocalypse Amalgam says appraisingly before turning their attentions to the ship’s bridge. “YAMATO? A PLEASURE, ONCE AGAIN.”
“The pleasure is all ours, Levy.” Yamato counters with a smile that carries through her dozens of speakers.
“Leviathan.” Snowbird unexpectedly intones. “You expressed an interest in my frame earlier. Is that also something we will leave for later?”
At that Snowbird gives a polite bow, and you’re surprised when Leviathan respectfully bows to you and she, in kind. “WE’LL BE SEEING EACH OTHER AGAIN, SOON. UNDER LESS THAN PLEASANT CRCUMSTANCES, TO BE SURE…BUT EVEN IN THAT, I SUPPOSE THERE’S SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO~”
You wouldn’t say conversing with a colossus while you’re balancing atop a piece of bony driftwood in a churning sea of scalding acid ‘pleasant’, but to each their own. Your allies and Yamato’s bid Leviathan farewell before you stride over to the bridge, to give the captain your appreciation in person and grant them the gift that just squirmed from beneath one shoulder blade.
“Captain Yamato? I wanted to thank you for ferrying us out into such dangerous waters. I know you said that Paloma paid for our fares, but my family and I are still grateful for your crew going out of their way.”
“As I told Levy, the pleasure is all ours—I understand you’re something of a legend, and our rather large Amalgam friend has clearly taken a shine to us both, it seems.” Yamato muses, her eyes widening as you reveal a small FuzzBuzz that boasts a little nautical cap forged from chitin. “Oh, what’s this?”
“Something of a tradition, actually. A gift, and one you can use to contact me if you ever need anything.” You explain as the little guy flits over to Calypso’s arms, to the girl’s utter delight. “We call them ‘FuzzBuzz’, but you’re welcome to name him whatever you like.”
Yamato’s about to utter a few more words of polite appreciation before Calypso’ practically in your face. “Okay, so, weird question—can you give him, like, a ‘lil beard?”
“Uh…sure?” You say, reaching out and fashioning him a silvery beard, thin strands of gossamer wings serving to making a rather bushy (and adorable) facial accessory.
“Behold!” I dub him Admiral Fuzzo B. Okita!” Calypso proudly declares, thrusting the good Admiral up to Yamato’s nearest eyeball.
“…I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?” The ship-girl sighs.