Quoted By:
<span class="mu-b">"...mhrrr... leave me alone bleghhh..."</span>
The annoying bicker of children is what wakes you up come late morning, as they chatter amongst themselves and climb all over you like you're some object of play. The boys play fight to stand atop the highest point of your body or pretend that they slayed some sea monster, while the girls drape flowers along your body and hand-paint you in various patterns with colored dyes. Groaning in frustration, you roll over and lazily swipe at them, sending the brats running away screaming.
When eventually you can be bothered to open your eyes, thankful for a cloudy day, you see a small assembled crowd all staring at you with intense interest and wide-eyes. Not so many people, as most get about their day and take to their work or chores. But enough remaining about that you don't feel comfortable getting any more rest here. Here, as you find yourself sitting in the village center, up against the big stone idol. It seems that at some point last night, even amid all the adoring frenzy of these people, eventually you settled down and drifted off to sleep.
Well, there's not much else for it then, as you struggle to reach your feet and notice all the present Gaelans praying fervently in response. Others come up to you with offerings and tribute, wondering and hoping they can correctly figure out what you want, how to appease you.
<span class="mu-b">"-where's... Cailinn? Cailinn!"</span>
With limited communication, you seek your prophet from among the clan, stomping about the village calling for her yet merely attracting more unwanted attention. Eventually one of the shamans though can guide you to the coast once more, where you can find Cailinn. Busy in the surf, with a congregation of the Gaelans, and using her newfound divine power to minister to the flock. Both affirming faith in you, and better convincing people that their old god, the false god was not the same being as you and that you have replaced it as the true god.
Naturally this doubles your annoyance when the gathered followers down here at the beach eventually notice you and come to join the small crowd that followed you here from the village. Hoping to appease you, hoping for your blessing, hoping to see another miracle. Ugh, it's all so bothersome, you wish you had some trusty disciples to handle these menial concerns and attention.