>>5442746>Not the one complaining>Still offers discussion questions anyways to keep things goingYou're one of the good ones, anon!
>Real QM questions:When it was still running It'd depend on a few things--namely how tired I was after work (or lack thereof on the weekends) and how inspired I was. Sometimes a joke or an idea would come to me mid-job or, like, mid-drive and I'd have to pull over to write it down on something! Other times just one update would take HOURS... sometimes the juices just weren't flowing. Still had a great time, though--missing it already!
>Real Player questions:I think it really depends on how invested/how much I know about the quest. There's a select few I actively follow and feel confident in voting in, but there are a few I follow as well where I sometimes abstain because I don't want to vote for a poor choice based off of my limited knowledge. As for which types, well, I'd probably echo what a few other folks say and focus on more big-picture decisions. Strategic and combat shit isn't really my forte...
>Real General/Misc. questions:Going as a
CLOWN--wrote Bones Quest for almost two years so it's about time I put on the matching costume, right? HONK HONK!
>>5443228>How much time do you spend curating music for your quest? Do you have a certain track for certain occasions? A theme song for a character? A particular favorite to write to?Nnnnnot too long--there were a few songs that I had to shop through before I decided on any, but a lot of times it was a chicken and the egg situation where I usually had some song in mind before an update was written or vice versa.
>Theme songWell I never thought of one for Stanley, but I DID have themes for two specific characters... Gotta read the quest to figure out who, so there!
https://youtu.be/mHjH3DyKChU>Stan mysteriously not dying and being extremely oblivious to any slashersHa, sounds like her! I figure she'd fill up on chips and booze and pass out before all the 'fun' begins.