Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)
The wind howls – chiseling between Umzulwana’s scaled hide, prying under his heavy eyelids, piling his enormous body under snow. He stirs in disorientation.
Where is he?
This is not the jungle landscape of his people – he does not recognize this place. His massive jaw creaks open to taste the air, dislodging a small avalanche – he scans the dusk sky with near-frozen eyes. At first, he thinks he hears voices on the breeze, but then, he realizes that they come from within his mind. A million voices of dead children, screaming his name, fighting against themselves and against him – scrabbling for control of his body. He focuses his mind, forcing the voices down. His confusion fades and his mind clears – he must have lost control and for many days, at that. He has traveled a thousand leagues or more as a mindless beast, forgetting himself.
He is in the tundra, far to the south – home to the Abominations. Frail things, with hot breath, hides of hair, and pink flesh beneath. Invaders – they have no place on <span class="mu-s">UTUTU</span>, nor were they of Father’s designs. Extermination of these creatures is his duty and his birthright.
His bones are cold – he must get moving and soon. Standing, he catches the faintest smell on the driving wind – roasting meat and the foul scent of animal excrement.
Not just in the Tundra – but within an hour’s travel of the greatest of the cities of Abomination – a half-frozen metropolis that the pink vermin call Бepeнчe этaп. A foul place that persists despite Father’s wishes. Mindless beast or not – the ghosts of his people have brought him for only one purpose.
The cleansing of <span class="mu-s">UTUTU</span> begins today.
Umzulkuwana’s Turn 1:
Action 1: Move West to T25.
Action 2: Attack the city of Бepeнчe этaп with mighty tooth and claw! <STR>
Action 3: Same as above.
HP: 3/3 (F Size + E Stamina) || Amandla: 1U / 3
[ Sze: F || Str: D || Sta: E || Spd: F || Spc: G ]
Elemental: Ibhalansi (Balanced)
Archetype: Umbalali (Destroyer)
Milestones: N/A
Tile: U25
>Please note that players MUST roll a dice+3d3 and post their template with every turn post!